Note: Only Organization Full Access and Hiring Company Full Access can access 'Billing'.

You can add a new card to a hiring company in two ways:

  • In the Billing section
  • While you’re Boosting a job

Billing Section

Step 1: Sign into your account and go to Billing

Step 2: Click Add Card

Step 3: Add Card details

Step 4: Click Save

Step 5: On the Billing screen, click Assign to Hiring Company. Select Hiring Companies overlay pops up.

Step 6: Select the Hiring Companies you would like associated with this credit card

Step 7: Check off whether or not it is the default credit card and click Save

This card will now be accessible to all the Hiring Companies it has been assigned to.

While Boosting Your Job

Step 1: Go to Jobs and click Boost on a job

Step 2: Proceed to the billing flow to the receipt page

Step 3: On the Checkout page, click assign card to hiring companies

Step 4: Select hiring companies and set defaults. Click save

Step 5: You will be returned to the Checkout page

Step 6: Click Complete Order

The card is now assigned to the hiring companies